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Category Archives: Sports

This commercial played during the U.S. Open and I thought it was pretty cool. 


I didn’t fill out an NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Bracket this year. I like the March Madness but it really is Madness. I would have had this one wrong and I’m pretty sure many, many, MANY people are cursing right now because one of their final fours is dead in the water. Way to go San Diego!

Could Shaun Alexander be on his way out?

My prediction: Alexander has played his last football in Seattle.

What do you think?

Picture_2If you follow College Football then you know the craziness of the BCS. I’m not a big fan of college football currently but I think I would enjoy it more if they got rid of the bowl system and went to a playoff format. I didn’t read the whole article but I think this guy has some good ideas. Go Huskies!

Seattle_sonicsArticle on Sonics owner wanting to move the Sonics to Oklahoma City. Surprise, surprise.

Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire said the latest development was “no surprise” and the state will “continue to work with others on the arduous process” of keeping the Sonics and the WNBA’s Storm.

Proposed Solution: Litigate so they are forced to stay until their lease runs out and hopefully, they get tired and sell the team to someone who wants to keep them here.

Only real solution to keeping them in Seattle: A winning team.

My prediction: Sonics are moving, sooner but more likely later.

Update: Nice timeline of recent Sonic history with the current ownership group.

Billy Joel sang at the Superbowl. First person to sing the national anthem twice for a Superbowl. I thought he hit a wrong note on the very first line. I’m not a singer and my ears aren’t musically inclined in any way but I’m glad that I wasn’t the only one that noticed it.

Random question: How do they time those fighter jets to fly over the stadium right after the national anthem is done?

Captain: Ok fellas, he’s on “home” and we’re 2 miles out – punch it!!!

Update: Amy and Traci say that Billy Joel is the “man.” I’m not trying to dog the guy but when you’re a professional singer you should probably hit the notes. If you can’t then let some American Idol do it.

Except the kick-off return for the touchdown by the Bears on the very first play. Everything else was pretty mediocre. I’m happy with the result although I’m probably closer to being indifferent when it came right down to it. I do think the commercials were more entertaining than the game. That’s saying a lot because the commercials were mediocre as well.

Most likely to receive the blame for losing and deserves it: Grossman.
Most likely to receive the credit for winning and doesn’t deserve it: Manning.

My Prayer for Next Year’s Superbowl: Phil Simms isn’t commentating. (Did anyone else notice how much he defended Grossman? QB Brotherhood?)

Update: I also realize that my prediction that the Colts wouldn’t make it was far off. Especially since they won it all. Good for them.

For those of you that skipped out on church yesterday to watch the Seahawks play you’ve got to wonder, “If I had gone to worship God yesterday instead of watching football would the Seahawks be in the NFC championship game instead of the Bears?”

I currently blame all the church-skippers for the loss. Way to go fans!

SeahawksloseI was actually pretty hopeful that the Hawks would beat Da Bears. My only hesitation was our secondary. They made it a really close game and did much better than the oddsmakers had predicted. They had their opportunities to win in the end and didn’t capitalize. They had a great good season. Next year will be another year to watch Hawks football.

As for the Chargers…how sad. Probably the best team in the league. But they went up against probably the toughest team, mentally, in the league. You may not like the Patriots but you’ve got to admire their tenacity to win.

Superbowl Prediction: New Orleans vs New England (Yes, another year that Manning and the Colts will come up short)

SeahawkswinExciting. Heart-stopping. Nervous. Biting Nails.

Could the Seahawks for once just pound a team to oblivion so their fans don’t have to ride the “close game roller coaster” any longer?

Like Bryan said, “It seems like the Seahawks just win by accident sometimes.”

Indeed, they do. But we’ll take it baby.